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  animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         Eiders are sea ducks, which means that they live in coastal areas where they dabble for small invertebrates or dive for crustaceans and molluscs. Steller's eiders nest on the arctic and subarctic tundra. These birds are sexually dimorphic, so males generally look very different from females. Click on the images below to discover the advantages of different colors on the tundra: Steller's eiders are migratory and winter comes early on the Alaskan tundra. Before ice covers the ponds and coastal waters near the Steller's beeding grounds, the birds must travel south to areas where the coast doesn't freeze over, allowing them to access food resources in the ocean. Watch the video to learn where the Steller's eiders of Alaska travel throughout the year. VIDEO: Annual Cycle of Steller's Eiders in Alaska Discover the life history of Steller's eiders in Alaska. (2:44) Video Transcript In Alaska, Steller’s eiders spend the winter on the coast along the Aleutian Islands, the Alaska Peninsula, and the Kodiak Archipelago. As spring arrives, the birds wait for the sea ice to melt along their migratory paths. Before they migrate, the males begin to dance. All efforts are geared toward finding a mate. Then, the Steller’s eiders that winter in Alaska diverge into two separate breeding populations. Most of them fly northwest to breed and nest in Russia. Others fly north to breed and nest near Barrow, Alaska. These birds comprise the Alaskan breeding population. Historically, Steller’s eiders also nested on the Yukon-Kuskokwim, or Y-K Delta. Now Steller’s eiders are a rare sight on the Y-K Delta, and very few Steller’s nests have been discovered there in the past several decades. In late May or early June the Steller’s Eiders reach their breeding grounds on the arctic tundra. By late June the hens are ready to make a nest on the tundra in close proximity to tundra ponds. The males stay around to guard while the females construct elaborate grass nests lined with cozy down feathers. The end result is so well camouflaged that it virtually disappears into the tundra. By early July the Steller’s hens will lay up to 9 olive-brown eggs. While the females tend to their eggs, the males leave to travel south and return to their molting grounds. Adult eiders molt their flight feathers once each year, leaving them unable to fly for about a month as they grow new feathers. Males travel to protected bays and lagoons to molt before continuing on to their wintering sites. Meanwhile, on the tundra the hens incubate their eggs up to 26 days before the ducklings hatch. Within 24 hours of hatching the ducklings leave the nest to follow their mother around the coastal tundra. In 5 to 7 weeks the young birds are able to fly. Fall will soon give way to winter, so the mothers and their young must fly south to the molting and wintering grounds. The females reunite with the males and with the breeding population that spent its summer in Russia. And the annual cycle of the Steller’s eiders begins again. Every species of bird has different requirements for successful nesting but, with so few of these birds in the wild and so little known about them, how will researchers know what Steller's eiders need? In captivity, these birds won’t have to worry about predators or the challenges of migration. But will the scientists be able to provide them with requirements they need to nest and raise ducklings hundreds of miles away from the tundra?       CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!   CAMOUFLAGE (n) - concealment that alters or obscures the appearance; helps an organism to hide from its predators.   FORAGE (v) - to search for and collect food.   INCUBATE (v) - to keep an egg or organism at an appropriate temperature for it to develop.   IRIDESCENT (adj) - shining with many different colors when seen from different angles.   LIFE HISTORY (n) - the series of changes a living thing goes through during its lifetime.   MIGRATION (n) - seasonal movement from one area to another.   MOLT (v) - to lose a covering of hair, feathers, etc., and replace it with new growth.   PLUMAGE (n) - the feathers that cover the body of a bird.   SEXUAL DIMORPHISM (n) - when the male and female of the same species look distinctly different from one another.  
  animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         Every step is an act of balance in a vast land full of ponds, rivers, and streams where more than half the landscape is water. There are no roads and your tent could be the highest point on the horizon. Trekking though the swampy tundra of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Y-K Delta), scientists are on the lookout for nests. Counting every species they encounter, one bird eludes them all: the Steller's eider. This mysterious bird is a rare sight for researchers across Alaska. Surprisingly, one of the best places to observe these birds in Alaska is at a facility that is located hundreds of miles from their natural habitat. Watch the video for a glimpse into the strange lengths that scientists are going to in order to learn as much as possible about the elusive Steller's eider. Can you guess what the researchers are doing - and why? VIDEO: Mystery on the Tundra Scientists are going out of their way to learn more about Steller's eiders. (1:34) Why are scientists going to such great extents to learn more about the Steller’s eider? The number of Steller's eiders in the wild are declining. While two breeding populations exist in northern Russia, the breeding population of Steller’s eiders in Alaska has all but vanished and is now classified as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act. No one knows why these birds started disappearing in the 1970's. Scientists have proposed a few possible explanations, such as lead poisoning from ingestion of spent lead shot; increased predation from gulls, foxes and ravens; and changes in the coastal environment. As temperatures warm and sea levels rise near the eiders' preferred habitats, will the few remaining pairs of birds continue to be successful nesting in Alaska? Concerned for the Alaskan population, scientists collected Steller’s eider eggs from Barrow, Alaska in an effort to prevent a complete disappearance of breeding eiders. With these eggs, the scientists have created a captive-breeding “reservoir” population. This breeding population resides at the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward, Alaska, where researchers and aviculturists have the skills to keep the birds healthy while they learn more about this rare species. VIDEO: Introduction to the Research Project Dr. Tuula Hollmen describes the Steller's eider research project and its overall goals. (1:51) Video Transcript My name is Tuula Hollmen and I am a research professor at University of Alaska Fairbanks and a scientist at the SeaLife Center. I have been working with birds for, I think it is over 25 years now. The main goal of the eider research program is to help support the recovery of eiders in Alaska and the main focus of the program at the SeaLife Center facility right now is the captive breeding program. One of the main goals of having the eiders here is to help buffer the species against extinction. We are also collecting a lot of data throughout the year to help learn more about the basic biology and physiology of the species. The third big goal for that program is to develop captive breeding techniques for Steller’s eiders with the potential that those methods that we develop could be used in the future in a field program to help augment or reestablish a population by using reintroduction as a tool. The Steller’s eider is a unique arctic species. It is the only species in its genus, Polysticta. There is no other Polysticta species. So if we lose the Steller’s eider we lose not just a species but a genus. I think that everything that I have been learning about the species just makes me more convinced that they are a unique species. I think the world will be a different place if we lose this unique species that is not necessarily similar to any other species. Dr. Tuula Hollmen has been studying Steller's eiders at the Alaska SeaLife Center since 2001. Her project allows scientists to keep their eyes on eiders, to observe and learn about a bird rarely seen nesting in the wild.       CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!   AVICULTURE (n) - the raising and care of birds (especially wild birds) in captivity.   ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT (n) - signed on December 28, 1973, this act provides for the conservation of species that are endangered or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of their range, and the conservation of the ecosystems on which they depend.   ECOSYSTEM (n) - a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.   INGEST (v) - to take something into your body (such as food).   LEAD SHOT (n) - small pellets of lead that are shot from a shotgun; used for hunting birds and small game.   PHYSIOLOGY (n) - the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions.   RESERVOIR (n) - an extra supply of a resource to be used when needed.   SPECIES (n) - a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young.   THREATENED SPECIES (n) - any species that is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future.   TUNDRA (n) - a flat or rolling treeless plain that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions; subsoil is permanently frozen and dominant vegetation consists of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs.    
  animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         MEET DR. KATRINA COUNIHAN SCIENTIST at the Alaska SeaLife Center WHAT SHE STUDIES: - Microbiology - Pathology - Immunology EDUCATION: B.A.S. in Biology and History from the University of California Davis Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of California Davis   "SOMETIMES WHAT THEY SEE CANDLING AN EGG...could look normal to them and then we open it and we see something that’s unusual that they weren’t able to see on candling. You never know what you’re going to find until you open it." "MY FAVORITE PART OF RESEARCH...even when you kind of finish a project it often creates more questions than answers, so you aren’t doing the same thing every day. I like having something new to do all the time." Dr. Katrina Counihan tells why she likes working in the lab on the Steller's eider project. (0:55) Video Transcript I like working in the lab because it’s hands-on work. I like pipetting things and working with samples, and you work with the different equipment. And the eggs are always fun because each one can be a little different, so it’s always interesting to see what result you are going to get with whatever experiment you're doing. The hardest part is usually not breaking the yolk, because you want to have the albumen and the yolk separated cleanly. Everyone thinks they are going to be like a chicken egg and have pretty tough yolks, but eider eggs have very delicate yolks, so you have to empty it into the dish very gently and take your samples very quickly because the yolk breaks pretty fast. That’s usually the challenge we always set for each other, to not break the yolk. After three hundred plus eggs you get pretty good.   CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!    
  animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         MEET NATHAN BAWTINHIMER Aviculturist at the Alaska SeaLife Center WHAT HE DOES: - Eider husbandry - Eider mate pairing - Artificial incubation EDUCATION: B.S. in Biological Sciences with minor in Wildlife Science from North Carolina State University HOMETOWN: Ayden, North Carolina   "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A TYPICAL DAY... During breeding season we'll candle all the eggs, enter all the data in the spreadsheet, and keep very detailed records of everything we see every day when we candle. The husbandry aspect is much less time-consuming in the winter time. In the winter, it's a lot of cleaning and routine maintenance. Like this past winter, we put up bird spikes to keep away ravens and magpies that like to sit on the walls." Nathan tells how and why he got his start working with Steller's eiders. (0:58) Video Transcript I’m the eider research aviculturist. I help with setting up pairs, setting up nest sites, promoting breeding behaviors and a lot of the incubation practices that we use. I have raised birds since I was a teenager with my father. My senior year of college I did an internship with Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Center in Scotland Neck, North Carolina. I worked with over 100 different species of waterfowl there but the Steller's are one of the few species I hadn’t worked with and I really wanted to get some experience with them, and this job presented itself and I was lucky enough to get it and I have been enjoying working with them ever since. They’re really not like any of the other eiders. The fact that they’re declining so rapidly is a motivating factor for me to jump on board with the eider team to try and help save them and reintroduce them to the wild.   CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!    
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         MEET SADIE ULMAN Avian Research Coordinator at the Alaska SeaLife Center WHAT SHE STUDIES: - Wildlife and habitat ecology EDUCATION: B.A. in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin- Madison M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Delaware HOMETOWN: Black River Falls, Wisconsin     "PLANNING THE LOGISTICS, YOU ALWAYS MAKE 'PLAN A'...and then you hope you’ll get out there within a day or two of that plan, depending on the weather. Floatplane access is very weather-dependant: things like cloud cover, fog, and wind can delay flights. We’re dropped off at a site by a floatplane and we unload all our gear onto the riverbank. We have all our camp stuff in big drybags and totes and we set up camp there for a few days. We have our base camp and go from there on a daily basis to all our sites. When the floatplane comes back, we pack up all our stuff in the plane and the floats. You have to be creative with getting all your gear in there!" Sadie describes some of her favorite things about working in the field. (1:04) Video Transcript Maps are one of my favorite things to create and look at and follow. Reading maps is a really big part of fieldwork. I love to look where we are going and what else is out there to explore. The typical day is, you never know what’s going to happen. Waking up in the tent and just kind of hoping that it’s not raining so you can do your work. From camp to where you want to go ranges from, it could be as close as a 15 minute walk or sometimes it is an hour and a half to two hours. The landscape in which you’re walking could be mudflats, through ponds, it could be crossing mud sloughs at low or high tide. If it’s high tide you have to be creative. What you see and find out there varies all the time. Even when you are at camp, cooking food and stuff, you can still be watching wildlife and what the birds are doing, which is really fun. And you get to sleep on the tundra, with birds singing, it’s pretty great!   CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!  
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         MEET TASHA DIMARZIO Avian Curator at the Alaska SeaLife Center WHAT SHE DOES: - Manages captive eider population - Assists with field work in Barrow and on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta EDUCATION: B.S. in Fish and Wildlife Management from Minot State University, North Dakota HOMETOWN: Lake Tapps, Washington ONE OF MY FAVORITE ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT IS... "I really like mentoring interns and just getting people jazzed about birds, about why I love birds, and about what we do here. It's always fun to see young people come in and they might not really know a lot about eiders or birds and, hopefully, by the time they leave they will want to pursue a career with birds." Tasha talks about how she started working with birds and what she enjoys most about her work at the Alaska SeaLife Center. (x:00) Video Transcript My mom got me three chickens when I was ten and I kind of fell in love with them really quick, and then just started accumulating more and more birds. By the time I went to college I had something like 5 aviaries with a thousand or so birds. So, I kind of became obsessed with it and kind of sprouted from there and ever since it’s just been wanting to work on more and more birds, specifically marine birds and waterfowl. The work I do here is: I help manage the captive breeding population of the Steller’s and spectacled eiders and then I get to help with some of the field research on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. My favorite part is definitely the field aspect. By going out there you can not only learn from the environment and collect data but then you can also see the birds in their natural habitat and bring that back here to the Center and try to put that into play with the husbandry of the birds and making these habitats the best we can and trying to replicate what the field is like. But then also feeling like you are really contributing to science and what we are doing here is affecting what is going on in the wild.   CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!  
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         MEET DR. TUULA HOLLMEN Science Director at the Alaska SeaLife Center and Research Associate Professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks WHAT SHE STUDIES: - Breeding ecology - Toxicology - Avian physiology EDUCATION: D.V.M. and Ph.D. in Physiological Ecology from the University of Helsinki, Finland HOMETOWN: Helsinki, Finland   "YOU GET TO A POINT... where you can say it is over 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years...well it’s over a quarter century now. I have been working with marine birds for over a quarter century." "I THINK THE WORLD... will be a different place if we lose this unique species that isn’t necessarily similar to any other species." Dr. Tuula Hollmen explains her interest in science and in Steller's eiders. (1:00) Video Transcript I think as long as I remember I have always been interested in the natural environment and that just developed into an interest in science. I was the kid who was collecting mussels and counting things from as long as I remember and I don’t remember a time when I haven’t been interested in science. I think it was just the career that was always there for me. If you see a Steller’s eider in a picture or in the wild even better they’re really beautiful, they’re really a beautiful bird and it really is a cool duck. It is oftentimes just a big challenge to work with because it is so unique. We’re learning new things and we’re learning that things that apply to some other waterfowl species don’t necessarily apply to Steller’s eiders because they have their own ways of doing things, their own biology, ecology and I would say to some degree physiology as well. So they are really a unique species and sometimes they cause some head scratching and probably caused a few of my gray hairs just thinking about how to deal with some of these challenges but it also makes them really interesting to study. I think that everything that I am learning about the species just makes me more convinced that they are a unique species.   CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!  
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         All research starts with one or more questions. Dr. Tuula Hollmen and her team are tackling a broad question: What do Steller’s eiders need to breed successfully? The team isn't going to find the answer just by looking in a textbook. Steller’s eiders are unique. Little is known about their needs and they don’t follow the same breeding behaviors of other well-studied waterfowl like domestic ducks. So, why is Dr. Hollmen interested in this particular question when it comes to eiders? VIDEO: STELLER'S EIDERS RESEARCH QUESTIONS Dr. Tuula Hollmen discusses the factors that led to her research questions and how she plans to investigate those questions. (1:46) Video Transcript The eider is a long-lived species that has a high adult survival but very variable and potentially low annual productivity or reproductive success. And it works because the species lives a long time, so each individual can have a really long reproductive career, and they don’t have to be successful every year, because they have (in eider’s case) they potentially have at least 15 years to breed. Reproductive success is really one of the key questions for the recovery. If that continues to be low or doesn’t reach some certain threshold, recovery will either not happen or take a really long time. But if they can increase productivity then we might see recovery. I would like to ask the question: what does an eider need to breed successfully? We have a suite of sub questions: What makes an eider pairing successful? What kinds of nests are successful? How do you set the incubation conditions for successful hatching? So those are sub-questions. So when we set up to answer the question in our program here, we think about all these factors that the eiders are faced with in the wild and we transfer that to our own virtual reality that we are creating here. The habitat is not the natural habitat, but we are learning from the wild birds as to what are the key features of their habitat that they need to go through all the different steps of the reproductive cycle. So we would try to mimic the available nest sites, the privacy, the ponds, the water quality, all those kinds of things to the best we can and match them to the natural environment. Dr. Hollmen has to think about how to convert the complex, wild system that the eiders come from into a virtual habitat at the Alaska SeaLife Center so that her team can learn from the captive reservoir population. With little existing research, a small wild population in Barrow, sporadic nesting on the Y-K Delta, and hundreds of variables, how will the scientists figure out what a pair of Steller’s eider needs to breed successfully? Here’s the benefit of science: they can try out different materials and techniques (experimentation!) and use careful observation to figure out a strategy that works for the captive eiders. The research question cannot be answered in one year. Every breeding season tests if the scientists’ current arrangement helps the birds breed successfully. Scientific inquiry is a process, and the eider team knows it well as they continue to learn, question, and adapt. It's what they've been doing for over a decade!        CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!   ADAPT (n) - to change behaviors or physical traits to survive in a specific environment.   BROOD (n) - the offspring of an animal, especially of a bird.   BROOD (v) - to sit on eggs to hatch them.   EXPERIMENT (v) - to do a scientific test in which you perform a series of actions and carefully observe their effects.   INQUIRY (n) - an act of asking or searching for information.   THRESHOLD (n) - a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place.   VARIABLE (n) - an element, feature, or factor that can vary or change.   VIRTUAL (adj) - very close to being something without actually being it.    
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         The Steller's eiders kept the team busy during the 2014 breeding season. The combination of nesting materials, nest placement, privacy, mate choice and staffing worked for the eiders! For the first time in the program’s history, two Steller’s eider hens, Scarlet and Eek, incubated their eggs for the full 26 days and hatched ducklings. Scarlet had three ducklings and Eek had one. Four other ducklings hatched after artificial incubation and were raised by people for a total of eight Steller’s ducklings. The hens fully incubating their eggs was a grand achievement for the eider team! In the early stages of the project, hens would only lay infertile eggs, or not build a nest, or not stay on their nest through the whole incubation. In captivity, Steller’s eider hens had never incubated their eggs completely on their own before now! In addition to the eight ducklings of 2014, the eider team had many eggs that were infertile or that were fertile but never hatched. All the eggs that do not hatch go to the lab where Dr. Katrina Counihan and her lab technicians get to work. Every egg provides further data for researchers to use to learn more about eiders. VIDEO: DATA FROM EGG DISSECTIONS Discover what Dr. Katrina is learning in her eider lab. (1:40) Video Transcript I do various projects with the eiders. The major one is I oversee the processing of the eggs every summer. We get eggs from the captive spectacled and Steller’s eiders. For this summer we got over 300 eggs from both species, so we have help usually in the summer from interns and also volunteers which are often college students. Without them we wouldn’t be able to get through all these samples, because it takes about 30-45 minutes per egg to process it. As you can see here we use a variety of tools: digital calipers to measure the width and length of all of our eggs, and then we have a scale that we [use to] weigh the eggs before we start the dissection. The first thing we do is we’ll use these little just basic knitting scissors and we cut around the center of the egg. And then we’ll dump out as much of the albumen as we can into a large dish and then the yolk into a second one of the large Petri dishes. And then we’ll use really simple things, like just plastic forks to mix up albumen and yolk before we take samples, and then spatulas to scrape up every last little bit to make sure we get the samples. And then just little plastic syringes to suck up the samples into the vials. And then we weigh out the yolk and the albumen. So we literally save every bit of every egg we get. Dr. Katrina Counihan uses parts of the eggs she dissects to study eider health. We know a lot about how people deal with being sick, but not much about what eiders do to stay healthy. One part of the egg she is interested in is the yolk because it contains immunoglobulin (or antibodies) which would help the duck fight off diseases. Dr. Counihan looks at the immunoglobulin in the eggs to understand how the eiders are able to fight diseases. Thanks to Dr. Counihan’s work, if the eiders are reintroduced, the scientists will understand how healthy the captive birds are and how the eiders will be able to handle any diseases that they might encounter in the wild. Dr. Hollmen believes that the collaboration and communication between the research and husbandry staff is the key to the team’s success. The husbandry staff works to make the eiders feel at home and healthy so they lay eggs. Some of those eggs hatch into ducklings that increase the captive reservoir population. Researchers in the lab use the other eggs to find information on the health of the birds. The field team tries to find a wild habitat where the eiders could survive. Each team member contributes a specialized set of skills and everyone is united by the goal of learning about and helping a unique arctic species.       CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!   ALBUMEN (n) - the white of an egg.   CALIPER (n) - a tool with two moveable arms that is used to measure thickness, diameter, length or width.   COLLABORATION (n) - the action of working with someone to do or create something.   IMMUNOGLOBULIN (n) - also called antibody; a protein that helps the immune system find and get rid of foreign objects like bacteria and viruses.   PETRI DISH (n) - a shallow plastic or glass dish often used in labs to culture bacteria or collect samples.   YOLK (n) - the yellow center of an egg that supplies food to a growing bird before it hatches.    
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         WELCOME, TEACHERS! The Alaska SeaLife Center and COSEE-Alaska are excited to present their latest virtual field trip (VFT), Eyes on Eiders. Join Dr. Tuula Hollmen and her team as they investigate the lives of Steller's eiders in Alaska and what it takes for eiders to breed successfully. Learn from field researchers, animal care staff, lab researchers, and the principal investigator (Dr. Hollmen) herself. GRADE LEVEL: 5th-8th TIME NEEDED: Between one and four 1-hour class periods (teachers may choose to use all or some of the supplementary lessons). NUTSHELL: Students will learn about natural history of Stellers' eiders and their recent decline in Alaska. They will also explore the type of research that goes into planning the recovery of a species, as well as encounter several genres of scientific careers. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After completing this virtual field trip, students will be able to: - Explain the life cycle of Steller’s eiders and how husbandry staff need to understand the life cycle and annual migration of these birds in order to care for the birds in captivity. - Describe this eider research project in terms of the scientific method. - Understand the scope of work, creativity, and inquisitiveness that goes into recovery efforts for a threatened species. BACKGROUND: In this virtual field trip, students will meet Dr. Tuula Hollmen (Principle Investigator), Tasha DiMarzio (Avian Curator), Nathan Bawtinhimer (Aviculturist), Sadie Ulman (Research Coordinator) and Dr. Katrina Counihan (Scientist). They compose the team at the Alaska SeaLife Center working with Steller’s eiders. Your students will follow the eider team into the field, a unique outdoor lab, and a traditional indoor lab as these scientists work to answer questions about Steller’s eiders. This VFT can be used in a number of ways. Individuals may navigate through the pages on their own and meet all the scientists through the links on the right-hand bar. Self-guided exploration can be completed in about an hour. Alternately, teachers may facilitate a structured experience, working through each page of the VFT together as a class. Lesson plans (included in the right-hand column of this page) are available to supplement online content. Lesson plans include activities that help explain taxonomy, explore community ecology, and engage students with hands-on field techniques and an egg dissection. TO USE THIS VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP YOU WILL NEED: - Internet access, video-streaming capabilities - Access to Eyes on Eiders the virtual field trip - Projection system (with audio) to display content or a computer lab (with headphones) - Corresponding lesson plans (arranged as PDFs in the right hand column of this page) UNABLE TO RUN THE STREAMING VERSION? REQUEST A FREE COPY OF ALL MATERIALS ON CD BY EMAILING: ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: General information on Steller's Eiders: US Fish & Wildlife Service: Steller's Eider Factsheet US Fish & Wildlife Service: Steller's Eider Recovery Plan US Fish & Wildlife Service: Species Profile for Steller's Eiders General information about the Y-K Delta: Video: Alaska's Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Education Resources Related to Climate Change: NOAA Education Resources: Climate Change Impacts Contact Us: If you have any questions about this virtual field trip, please contact the Alaska SeaLife Center Education Department at or 907-224-6306. For more information on classes we offer, including our inquiry-based 50-minute Distance Learning programs, visit our website at         CURRICULUM SUPPLEMENTS Use the .pdf links below to access classroom activities for each section of the MELTDOWN virtual field trip. Background_Activities.pdf Questions_Activities.pdf Center_Activities.pdf Field_Activities.pdf Results_Activities.pdf Glossary.pdf          
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         At the Alaska SeaLife Center, Dr. Hollmen's team provides all the necessary care for the Steller's eiders in their virtual habitat. The eider team monitors the birds’ behaviors and health on a daily basis and makes sure the birds have the proper space and food. The enclosures for the birds aren’t exactly like the habitats they typically live in, so it is up to the husbandry team to figure out what the Steller’s eiders need to succeed. Dr. Tuula Hollmen and her crew work hard to create a habitat that suits the eiders. Remember, Steller’s eiders are migratory birds, so the habitat at the Alaska SeaLife Center has to change season to season, especially during breeding season! VIDEO: Creating a Virtual Habitat Tasha DiMarzio explains how the Steller's eider enclosures at the Alaska SeaLife Center can be altered to create a virtual tundra habitat. (2:19) Video Transcript The area we are sitting in now we call our breeding units. There’s ten individual units or one large unit, and we can create smaller flocks or individual breeding units or one big pen for if we want to winter everybody in this unit, we can do that. Starting in January through March, we’ll really start watching the birds and seeing who is courting with who and who’s pairing off, and then we’ll move them from what we call the non-breeding or wintering unit and they migrate over to our breeding units (which is just across the walkway). In the winter time we switch them all to salt water because that is where they would be in the wild, out in the ocean, and in the summertime they come to these freshwater tundra ponds. When we were in full breeding season we had covers over one of the pools and it was tundra and then pond on the other side. But now since we are in duck rearing mode we have two ponds and they’re both fresh water. Getting birds to breed in captivity is always a big challenge. Luckily we are in a state where these birds are actually from, and so we can go out and see what they are using as nest materials and what sites they prefer, if its grass or lichen, and then we try and replicate that the best we can. We don’t have these big vast tundra fields, so we try and create areas that they can feel secluded and have privacy, but then have it look a little bit like what maybe they would see in the wild. We go to the beach and we collect a lot of driftwood to create visual barriers and blinds and areas that they can be private. Because each female is picky about where she likes, we try and provide each pair with at least three different nesting options. So a nesting option can be a manmade wooden structure that looks like nothing that you would see in the wild, and then another open tundra-like moss nest, and then a combination of the two: maybe driftwood around a plexiglass-covered structure. And then the biggest key is just keeping it dry so that the down in the nests stay dry. Because the areas that they are nesting, even though it is Arctic tundra, it’s actually a desert and so there is very little water and rainfall but here we’re in a very rainy climate and so that’s a big challenge we have, is keeping their nests dry while they’re going through the egg laying process, so we come up with different things to try and tackle that challenge. By altering the virtual habitat, the husbandry staff can try to match the eiders’ needs for the breeding season. Each year, the husbandry team continues to offer the eiders a variety of space and nesting configurations in the habitat, in an attempt to promote successful breeding. If something doesn’t work, they try something different the next year! After years of trial and error, favorable conditions have been created, allowing some of the eiders to feel comfortable enough to nest! As a result, the team is faced with hundreds of eggs. Some of the Steller’s eider hens incubate their own eggs, but many eggs end up in the care of the husbandry staff when hens don't prepare an appropriate nest. See how scientists can try to play the role of a hen incubating her eggs. VIDEO: ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION Nathan Bawtinhimer describes the process involved when humans incubate eider eggs. (1:32) Video Transcript It's a fun challenge trying to get the artificial incubators to accurately mimic the hen incubating which is very tricky. So we’ve been messing around with a lot of different humidity settings and different methods of turning to more accurately imitate the hen and promote better development within the egg during the incubation process and successful hatching. It’s important that we candle the eggs regularly so we can keep track of the development inside the egg. By candling them with a bright LED flashlight we can actually see inside the egg and just by looking we can tell how long it’s been incubating for, if it’s on the right track developmentally, and what the estimated hatch should be. When we are candling the eggs it is actually an important cool down time for the eggs, because we’ll have the top off the incubator which simulates the hen getting off the nest and foraging. And we also weigh the eggs everyday because during the course of incubation there is a certain range that the egg is supposed to lose to hatch successfully, usually between 12 and 16% of its weight. So we watch their weight loss and we adjust the humidity accordingly. The amount of weight they lose is critical for successful hatching. We’ll record and enter all the data in the spreadsheet so we can track the weight loss and the development of the eggs. And we keep very detailed records of everything we see every day when we candle. While scientists are learning about the Steller's eiders at the Alaska SeaLife Center, they also need to learn more about the natural habitat of these birds. If researchers are hoping to increase the nesting population of Steller's eiders in Alaska, there has to be suitable nesting habitat available in the wild. To determine what is available for these birds in the wild, the scientists head out into the field...       CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!   COURTSHIP (n)- the behavior of male birds and other animals aimed at attracting a mate.   HABITAT (n)- the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.   HUSBANDRY (n)- the care, cultivation, and breeding of crops or animals.   INCUBATE (v)- to keep an egg or organism at an appropriate temperature for it to develop.   MIMIC (v)- to imitate something.   MONITOR (v)- to keep surveillance over something.    
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         A typical day doesn’t exist on the Arctic tundra. Even in the summertime, you could wake to a day of hail, snow, fog, rain, or 70-degree sunshine. Luckily, on good weather days there is a lot of daylight when scientists can get their work completed. With a flat landscape, light from the sun lasts almost 24 hours. Researchers sometimes work until one o'clock in the morning! In the 2014 season, Alaska SeaLife Center scientists traveled to the Y-K Delta twice; once in June to investigate habitat for nesting pairs and once in July to study conditions during brood rearing. This fieldwork helped determine if there is suitable habitat on the Delta for the potential rearing of Steller’s eider ducklings in the upcoming years. If the team can hatch and raise Steller's eiders on the Y-K Delta, this may be a way to reintroduce Steller's eiders to that area. The prospective Steller's rearing location needs to have quality habitat for the eiders, but it also needs easy access for the scientists to come and go with supplies. VIDEO: STUDYING SITES FOR REINTRODUCTION Sadie Ulman explains what information the field team gathered in 2014 and why. (1:48) Video Transcript One of the primary goals of my work right now is to help with the reintroduction of Steller’s eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, and our focus is on this particular central Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: Kigigak Island down on the further south, and then all the way up here on the Kashunuk River system were three different locations. We were looking for freshwater ponds, which happen to be mainly on top of these pingos which are essentially upraised tundra, kind of new tundra areas upraised with these deep, clear freshwater ponds on them with different vegetation than the lower, more grassland. This past season we were sampling a suite of habitat types, but a list of factors kept pointing toward these pingo ponds being the highest level of quality for habitat. We’re looking at salinity specifically because it’s been shown to affect the growth and mass of ducklings at an early age. Sea ducks in particular have salt glands that they don’t fully develop until anywhere from 3 to 6 days of age. After the salt glands have developed they can process salt water readily and it does not affect them. With the changing climate and weather there’s been a higher frequency of coastal storm surges coming in. So the seawater essentially is coming up and flooding a lot of the tundra area and therefore increasing the salinity in a lot of those ponds. That is very helpful to know for the reintroduction purposes, as we need to find a location where there’s plenty of freshwater available for these broods and these ducklings to be reintroduced. Click on the tools and equipment in the image below to learn more about what the research team does in the field. Can you find all six items to click on?         CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!   CONDUCTIVITY (n) - the degree to which a specified material conducts electricity.   DATA (n) - values of something measured.   DELTA (n) - the area of land where a river splits into smaller rivers before it flows into an ocean.   HABITAT (n) - the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.   INVERTEBRATE (n) - an organism that doesn’t have a spine or spinal column; insects are one example of invertebrates.   pH (n) - a number between 0 and 14 that indicates if a substance is an acid or a base.   PINGO (n) - a hill of soil-covered ice pushed up in an area of permafrost.   QUADRAT (n) - a square or rectangular plot of land marked off for the study of plants and animals.   REAR (v) - caring for and raising (offspring) until they are fully grown, especially in a particular manner or place.   SALINITY (n) - the saltiness or dissolved salt content of a body of water.   SEDIMENT (n) - matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid.   SLOUGH (n) - an inlet on a river or a creek in a marsh or tidal flat.    
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         Next year the eider team will still be hard at work. Each year presents a new opportunity to learn about Steller’s eiders and to grow from past successes and failures. Researchers are expecting another breeding season with hundreds of eggs. They are hoping that they have determined a good setup for the eiders at the Alaska SeaLife Center so more hens will be able to go through the complete incubation process, as Scarlet and Eek did in the summer of 2014. Dr. Tuula Hollmen is hoping to breed “tundra-ready” ducklings that would be able to survive on the tundra, should reintroduction become a reality. If wildlife managers decide that reintroduction is necessary to help these birds recover, the scientists at the Alaska SeaLife Center now have the tools of captive breeding necessary to help make this possible. Reintroduction would present a whole new set of questions for the team. How will they get their rearing techniques to work in the field? In a release facility, they would have to try to repeat what goes on at the Alaska SeaLife Center in the remote setting of the Y-K Delta. Since they would be on the tundra, there would be less manipulation of the habitat, but there wouldn’t be a lab nearby for immediate analysis. Also, Steller’s eiders are migratory birds, so they will travel from the place they are released. How will researchers help released ducklings establish winter and molting grounds? How will they get the eiders to return to the Y-K Delta for the next breeding season? Text goes here! Reintroduction of other bird species has been done successfully, but each species has its own specific needs. As this project continues its trek forward, Steller’s eiders will keep scientists questioning. There is a Facebook page for the Steller’s Eider Y-K Delta Reintroduction Program so you can stay up-to-date by clicking here.   Text goes here!         CLICK BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT SEADUCK SCIENTISTS!   REINTRODUCTION (n) - the relase of members of a species into an area where that species once lived but where there is no current population.                                
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Female Elephant Seal is Alaska SeaLife Center’s First Marine Mammal Patient of 2022 Elephant seals are a rare species for the Center’s Wildlife Response Program The Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC) admitted the first marine mammal patient of the year to its Wildlife Response Program, a 1-year-old female elephant seal from Seward. Within a week, the care of this animal concluded with a successful release of the seal back to the ocean. Since opening in 1998, the ASLC has responded to only thirteen elephant seals. It is normal for elephant seals to spend the summer in the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutians, but it is rare for them to travel into Resurrection Bay and haul out on the beach. The ASLC Wildlife Response Team first started monitoring this animal after a call to the ASLC Stranded Marine Animal Hotline (1-888-774-SEAL). The caller reported an elephant seal hauled out on the main boat ramp in the Seward Boat Harbor on March 19, 2022. The animal appeared bloated and lethargic, but was seen retreating to the water later that day during high tide. ASLC received two more reports of the elephant seal hauling out in other locations around the boat harbor. When the animal was observed for the third time, the Wildlife Response Team determined that intervention was necessary. After receiving approval from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the animal was transported to the Center with the help of the Coast Guard on March 21, 2022. Upon the initial admit exam, the main concerns of the veterinary team were the animal’s bloated appearance and unusual lethargy. It was also clear that the seal was going through its annual catastrophic molt. “Elephant seals will haul out on Alaska beaches during their annual catastrophic molt. Because of this molt, they can look and sound sickly compared to your typical harbor seal. Elephant seals will have superficial wounds over their body because they don’t just lose their hair, they shed the underlying layer of skin when they molt,” ASLC Wildlife Response Curator, Jane Belovarac notes. “When this particular elephant seal was first observed, our main concern was the bloating and labored breathing. We assumed that the superficial wounds were due to a molt, and our intake exam confirmed those suspicions." The bloating subsided quickly, and the blood and fecal analysis came back with no additional concerning results. The Veterinary and Wildlife Response Teams determined that the best course of action for the large seal would be to return her to the ocean as soon as possible, in hopes that she would not haul out in the busy Seward boat harbor again. On March 24, 2022, the ASLC Wildlife Response Team successfully released the elephant seal at Lowell Point, about two miles south of downtown Seward. Local volunteers assisted the team in lifting and walking the 320-pound seal, who was safely enclosed in a specially-designed large metal kennel, to the beach. She easily went into the water and headed toward the open ocean. Since then, we have not had any more sightings. Call 1-888-774-SEAL(7325) if you see any marine mammal in distress. Also, If you happen to see an elephant seal on a beach anywhere in Alaska, especially if it has a flipper tag, please call the ASLC hotline. It is good information the ASLC team can relay to the scientists who study them. The Alaska SeaLife Center’s Wildlife Response Program can provide care for animals like this seal because of donations from corporate sponsors and individual donors. People are encouraged to contribute to the care of this patient here: The Center acknowledges the ongoing generous support of the Wildlife Response Program from companies like ConocoPhillips, Marathon Petroleum Corporation, PetZoo, GCI, and a number of individual donors. About Elephant Seals The northern elephant seal is the largest of the “true” seals in the Northern Hemisphere, which are categorized by lacking any external ear features. Adult males use their large inflatable noses during the winter breeding season to resonate sound when vocally threatening each other. They have one of the longest migrations of any mammal, with some recorded traveling over 13,000 miles roundtrip. Although northern elephant seals are known to visit the Gulf of Alaska to feed, they rarely are found on the beaches of Alaska. About the ASLC Opened in 1998, the Alaska SeaLife Center operates as a private, non-profit research institution and a public aquarium. It generates and shares scientific knowledge to promote understanding and stewardship of Alaska’s marine ecosystems. The ASLC is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. To learn more, visit  
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The Alaska SeaLife Center Wildlife Response Program has admitted two premature harbor seal pups from Kenai, Alaska. Despite incredible efforts, one pup has passed away and the other is in serious condition.   The ASLC is currently caring for a premature female harbor seal pup admitted on May 9, 2024, found abandoned and malnourished in Kenai, Alaska. The pup is still covered in its white lanugo coat, indicating a premature birth.  This is the Alaska SeaLife Center Wildlife Response Program’s second premature harbor seal patient admitted this season, as another premature pup was admitted on April 24, 2024, from Nikiski, Alaska. Despite the ASLC team’s incredible effort, the first premature harbor seal patient became critical and passed away within 48 hours of being admitted. A necropsy revealed that the pup was likely born weeks prematurely and his organs weren’t developed enough to allow him to thrive. The current patient, admitted on May 9, 2024, is in serious condition. Community members working at a fish processing facility in Kenai called the ASLC 24-hour Wildlife Response Hotline to report that a small white-furred pup had been on their property for several hours without seeing an adult nearby. Community members who first spotted her in Kenai, Alaska reported a malnourished and abandoned harbor seal pup to the ASLC 24-hour Wildlife Response Hotline. NOAA officers responded and confirmed that there was no mother in sight. They knew that the pup was prematurely born, as indicated by her white lanugo coat, and that she likely wouldn’t survive without immediate intervention. After receiving approval from NOAA, the pup was transported to the Alaska SeaLife Center for treatment by the officers. The main concerns found by the veterinary team upon her initial admit exam were malnourishment, low body temperature, and abnormal bloodwork results indicating this seal was premature. The team is currently providing initial stabilizing treatments and examining the patient further to understand the severity of the animal’s condition. Premature harbor seal pups have only about a 50% chance of survival when admitted to a wildlife response program, and the team is doing everything possible to give her a fighting chance.  Harbor seal pups typically shed their white lanugo coat in utero before being born, so any time a pup of this species is seen with a white coat, it indicates that it was born prematurely. However, this isn’t true for all species of seals in Alaska. Ice seal pups, like spotted and ringed seals, are born with white lanugo coats and do not shed them for four to six weeks after birth. Location helps experts know which species of seal pup they are looking at in Alaska. Typically, the ice seal species normally born with a white lanugo coat are found in the northern half of Alaska’s coastline. Harbor seals are typically found along the southern half of Alaska’s coastline.   The ASLC will share updates on this delicate patient’s progress on their Facebook and Instagram pages.    Call first! Before approaching an injured or stranded marine animal in Alaska, call the  24-hour Stranded Marine Animal Hotline at 1-888-774-SEAL(7325).  The Alaska SeaLife Center’s Wildlife Response Program can only provide care for stranded and injured marine animals with help from corporate sponsors and individual donors. If you are interested in contributing to the care of these patients, visit the ASLC’s website: The Center acknowledges the ongoing generous support of the Wildlife Response Program from supporters like ConocoPhillips Alaska, Marathon Petroleum Corporation, PetZoo, Partners 4 Wildlife, Matson, GCI,  and a number of individual donors, funds, and foundations such as Stanley J Williams Fund.                     
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Accredited zoos and aquariums are saving more than 30 endangered species and the Alaska SeaLife Center Plays a Leading Role. Seward, Alaska (November 17, 2014) – As American families prepare for the annual ritual of giving thanks, they can add to their list of things to be thankful for a rare victory in the battle against global climate change – more than 30 endangered species brought back from the brink of extinction thanks to America’s accredited zoos and aquariums.  With climate change, population growth and deforestation, and poaching threatening species around the world, we are facing what scientists call the “Sixth Extinction.”  But the 229 accredited members of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums have built a unique infrastructure to save endangered species – breeding programs that coordinate across many institutions to ensure genetic diversity, systems so that animals can be safely moved between institutions, and partnerships with local, national, and international conservation organizations working on re-introducing these animals to their native ranges.  Because of that infrastructure, there is good news in the face of the extinction crisis:  from the Florida manatee to the California condor, the Hawaiian crow to the Puerto Rican crested toad, the Chinese alligator to the American bison, zoos and aquariums have saved more than 30 species, and are working today on dozens more. Over the next several months, AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums will be celebrating these successes, and inviting the public to support efforts to save even more species.  In November, in honor of Thanksgiving, AZA is spotlighting endangered birds, including: ·         All four species of eider sea ducks saw a decline in population from the 1970s to the 1990s, and two of the species are currently listed as threatened in the U.S.: thespectacled eider and the Alaska-breeding population of Steller’s eider.  For over thirteen years, the Eider Research Program at the Alaska SeaLife Center has conducted field, laboratory, and captive studies on Steller’s and spectacled eiders in Alaska.  Currently, the Alaska SeaLife Center houses captive breeding flocks of both spectacled and Steller’s eiders, making the organization the only facility in the world to house these species for research and conservation purposes.  The Steller’s eiders at the Alaska SeaLife Center serve as a unique reservoir flock of the threatened Steller’s eiders in Alaska, and the Center works in close partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop methods to recover the threatened eiders in Alaska. ·         Bali mynah have striking white plumage with black wing tips and bright blue coloration around the eyes. The species can approach 10 inches in height.  Bali mynahs are nearly extinct in the wild because poachers collect them for the illegal pet trade, where they are valued for their striking plumage and beautiful songs. Because of this poaching, Bali mynahs are found almost exclusively in zoos.   But much has been done to help the Bali mynah's wild population recover, including protection of their native breeding grounds.  In 1987, 40 Bali mynahs from US zoos were sent to the Surbaja Zoo in Indonesia to form a breeding group, with resulting offspring released into the wild. In 2009, Bali mynahs raised in managed care were introduced to a neighboring island, Nusa Penida, and seem to be doing well so far. ·         The largest bird in North America, the California condor once dominated the western skies, able to soar to 15,000 feet and travel up to 150 miles a day in pursuit of food.  With its keen vision, the condor hunts for carcasses of dead animals, and then swoops in to feast, serving as nature’s clean-up crew.  But destruction of habitat and poaching decimated the species, and by 1982, only 22 birds remained in the wild.  The San Diego Zoo Global, the Los Angeles Zoo and 16 other AZA institutions took the lead at captive propagation, working with a network of government and non-profit partners.  Beginning in the early 1990s, zoo-bred condors began being reintroduced into the wild.  From a low of 22, there are now more than 435 condors in the world, with almost 250 free-flying in the West. ·         Prior to the 1960s, there were probably around 10,000 Guam rails living on Guam, a South Pacific island. Sometime between 1944 and 1952, brown tree snakes arrived on Guam, most likely on cargo ships. The snakes’ population rapidly increased, because there was plentiful prey (such as the Guam rails) and no natural predators. The tree snakes wiped out the native animal populations, and by the 1970s, 9 of the 11 native bird species, including the Guam rail, had disappeared.  Trying to save the species, the last few birds were removed from the island in the 1980s. In 1989, reintroduction of these birds began on the island of Rota, near Guam, as part of the Association of Zoos and Aquarium’s Species Survival Plan® (SSP) for the species. ·         The palila Hawaiian songbird is one of the endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper species and efforts to expand the palila population back to its historic range at Pu`u Mali have included experimental releases of captive-bred birds, as well as relocation of wild birds to protected areas. The palila was the first animal to have a federal circuit court case named after it, in a precedent setting case that increased protection for endangered species.  While several zoos are working to preserve the palila, they are not currently on exhibit to the public. ·         Known in Hawaii as Alala, the Hawaiian crow is the most endangered corvid in the world and is the only crow species found in Hawaii. The birds are extinct in the wild, and the remaining population is managed at zoos, where the chicks are fed and cared for by animal care staff they never see to ensure they do not imprint on humans.  The last `alalā were recorded in their natural habitat in 2002. Planning is underway to restore the `alalā to the Big Island of Hawaii beginning this year.  ·         The Waldrapp ibis, also known as the hermit ibis or the northern bald ibis, may not be viewed by some as the most attractive bird, but their strong character and bizarre appearance give them unique appeal. They look almost comical with their bald heads, long red beaks and crazy crest feathers going every which way. Their black feathers take on brilliant sheens of purple, green and orange when viewed in bright sunlight. With only about 420 wild Waldrapp ibis remaining, this is one of the world's most critically endangered avian species.  But thanks to a very successful breeding and release program, there are over 1,100 Waldrapp ibis in captivity, and offspring from zoos are being released back to the wild.  For a list of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums where you can see some of these incredible birds in person, please visit the AZA website: About AZA Founded in 1924, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, animal welfare, education, science, and recreation. AZA is the accrediting body for the top zoos and aquariums in the United States and six other countries. Look for the AZA accreditation logo whenever you visit a zoo or aquarium as your assurance that you are supporting a facility dedicated to providing excellent care for animals, a great experience for you, and a better future for all living things. The AZA is a leader in saving species and your link to helping animals all over the world. To learn more, visit About the ASLC Opened in 1998, the Alaska SeaLife Center operates as a private, non-profit research institution and public aquarium, with wildlife response and education departments. It generates and shares scientific knowledge to promote understanding and stewardship of Alaska’s marine ecosystems.  The ASLC is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums. To learn more, visit
Group Tickets The Alaska SeaLife Center is the perfect activity for Family Reunions Senior Communities Scout Troops Church Groups College Classes Corporate Outings Special Group Rates are available for groups with a minimum of 10 paying customers (Ages 3+) in a single transaction. Submit your group request by completing our Group Inquiry Form, and we will contact you with specific pricing and availability for your group. School Groups We offer a variety of opportunities for school groups General Admission Unstructured admission to the Center and its exhibits. Submit your group request by completing our Group Inquiry Form, and we will contact you with specific pricing and availability for your group. Guided Day Programs Choose from a variety of engaging Educational Programs, designed to inspire a love of learning and of Alaska's marine wildlife. Click here for more information. Nocturne Sleepovers Enjoy an overnight adventure at the Alaska SeaLife Center! Click here for more information. Tour Operators The Alaska SeaLife Center partners with tour companies to complement each visitor's own unique Alaska vacation. Vouchers purchased through your travel company provide your guests with quick and easy access to the Alaska SeaLife Center and assistance planning an exciting, customized itinerary that matches your group's interests. For more information or to begin a partnership, please contact: Laura Swihart Thacker Guest Services Supervisor Phone: (907) 224-6337 Toll Free: (800) 224-2525 ext. 6337 Facility Rentals Email Pam Parker, Development Manager, for more information about Facility Rentals.      
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         Individual scientists usually specialize in one particular area. They get very good at knowing a lot about a few things. This is a natural and very normal thing to do, especially when the amount of detail a researcher has to consider in their study is huge! There is no way for any one person to know the ins-and-outs of each and every project. One of the most important lessons we can learn from a disaster the size of the Exxon Valdez oil spill is the importance of "thinking big" with science -- really big! We need to ask big questions, such as: “How is this one particular thing connected to that?” or “What influence does something that seems so different and very far away have on my local work?” or “How is this one thing connected to everything?” Scientists might not have the luxury of working on a whole bunch of different projects at once but, through cooperation in large projects like Gulf Watch, they can see the links, or connections, between what they have been focusing on and what others have been doing. In science, we call this "systems thinking." Systems thinking looks at the web of relationships where individual pieces respond both in their own individual ways and together as a whole. An ecosystem like the Gulf of Alaska is not just a collection of individual animals and plants. It is all living things interacting with each other and with the non-living things around them. Gulf Watch Alaska scientists combine data from all of their projects to help them better answer their own specific research questions. This gives each of them a better understanding of complicated ecosystem connections. You can think of each project like different pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. As more and more pieces are combined, a clearer and more complete picture emerges. Click the picture below to solve the jigsaw puzzle! Systems thinking allows the modern scientist to step outside of their lab. They connect with fellow researchers and see the importance of their work on a much larger scale. It requires teamwork and communication as they build a network with different specialties, interests, and research subjects. Watch the video below and listen to the Gulf Watch team as they talk about working together and putting the pieces of this complicated puzzle into place. VIDEO: Monitoring Connections Sonia Batten, Heather Coletti, and Dan Esler discuss connections between the four individual monitoring components of Gulf Watch Alaska. (1:55) Video Transcript (Sonia Batten) The Gulf of Alaska is a really complicated system. You’ve got places like Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, which are these kind of inlets, and they’ve got local things happening there which are really important. And there are people studying the plankton and the ocean in those places, and they do really good detailed local studies, but we’re looking at a bigger area. We go from way off shore across the shelf, and it kind of smoothes out the little small-scale local effects and we’re looking at bigger climate effects and things that affect the whole region. So my data provides a link to what the local studies are doing and gives a broader context. (Heather Coletti) I think our work will really inform and strengthen our understanding of the connections between these systems. They talk about some of the zooplankton in the oceans out in the middle of the Gulf. How does that affect our coast and where we all recreate and live? And I guess I’d say the same thing for some of the environmental drivers, these big oceanographic systems that move through and the changes in the climate. How does that affect where we spend our time and where our resources are? (Dan Esler) I think a really important contribution of the work is to be able to take that long-term view of how things operate in marine ecosystems and how contaminant events are, what the timeline is for recovery from those sorts of things. And that fits in perfectly with the philosophy of Gulf Watch generally, taking this long-term, broad-scale view to understand these bigger patterns in marine ecosystems. I think that’s a really an important contribution for what we’re trying to do. You too can help with long-term ecosystem monitoring right in your own ecosystem -- through Citizen Science! Citizen science is the collection and analysis of data through partnerships between the general public and professional scientists. This collaborative way of doing science allows anyone with an interest in the natural world to engage in the scientific process. Many citizen scientist projects benefit from people gathering local monitoring data and contributing to a larger database. The data provided by participating citizen scientists helps professional researchers build a more complete understanding of ecosystems that they only visit once or twice a year. Recently, the scientific journal "Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment" published an entire issue focused on citizen science! Click the link on the right to access the journal. Explore some of the links below to find a citizen science opportunity to join! • Citizen Scientists • The Cornell Lab of Ornithology Citizen Science Central Projects • National Science Foundation • SciStarter • Scientific American Citizen Science Project List • Zooniverse • Journey North       Who is watching the Gulf?      
animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         Many of the species of birds, mammals, and fish that live in Prince William Sound hunt for food far from shore. Gulf Watch Alaska scientists are working hard to understand the productivity of these offshore areas. But it’s more than just learning how much food is available. Understanding what might cause the amount of food to change from year to year can help scientists predict impacts on the animals that depend upon offshore resources of the Gulf of Alaska. Productivity is influenced by a lot of factors: temperature (both air & water), salinity, tides, currents, rain, wind, the sun, water turbidity and, especially, the amount of plankton. These factors are also called environmental drivers and drivers are key indicators of the overall status of the Gulf of Alaska. Five Gulf Watch Alaska projects are collecting long-term physical and biological data. Several of the Environmental Drivers projects even pre-date EVOS. Some already have up to 30 years of data! Scientists are using this data to answer the following questions: • How exactly does the Gulf of Alaska ecosystem function? • What are the climate trends? • What is the influence of environmental drivers on the recovery of species impacted by the oil spill? Click on the images below to learn about the tools that researchers use to sample environmental drivers. Monitoring marine plankton is central to the Environmental Drivers research. Phytoplankton are the primary producers of the sea. Just like larger plants, they convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into energy. Zooplankton are the primary consumers of the sea. They feed on the phytoplankton. Zooplankton are a critical food source for a lot of marine animals. Watch the video below to learn more about plankton! VIDEO: Introduction to Plankton "Plankton" (on Vimeo). Plankton are a multitude of living organisms adrift in the currents. Our food, our fuel, and the air we breathe originate in plankton. From the Plankton Chronicles series by Christian Sardet (CNRS), Sharif Mirshak and Noé Sardet (Parafilms). (2:02) Video Transcript “Plankton” comes from the Greek word planktos, which means “wandering.” Any living creature carried along by ocean currents is classified as plankton. It ranges in size from the tiniest virus to siphonophores (the longest animals in the world) and also includes microscopic algae, krill or fish larvae. Some plankton, like these salps, drift all their lives; others, like mollusks and fish, are only planktonic during their embryonic or larval stage. When they reach adulthood, they settle or swim freely. Planktonic organisms play important roles in human life. Many microscopic species get their energy from photosynthesis. They absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen; thus, they constantly renew the air we breathe. Plankton has also been a great provider of fossil energy. When it dies it sinks to the sea bed. This layer of sediment has fossilized for more than a billion years, producing our precious oil. Finally, plankton nourishes us. It’s the basis of the food chain, in which the large eat the small. Without plankton there would be no fish. Scientists are using Environmental Drivers’ data to find answers to vital questions such as: • How do springtime conditions in the Gulf of Alaska influence the phytoplankton bloom? • How does this bloom of phytoplankton affect the numbers and location of zooplankton from year to year? The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) is a tool made to sample plankton from ships sailing across the Gulf of Alaska. A CPR is designed to be towed from merchant ships as they follow their scheduled routes. These ships are not research vessels, but they use CPR instruments during their voyages to help researchers gather data. The cargo vessel Horizon Kodiak is one ship that tows a CPR northbound towards Cook Inlet about once a year. View the video below to discover more about the benefits of using CPR on vessels like the Horizon Kodiak. VIDEO: Continuous Plankton Recorder Sonia Batten describes the use of Continuous Plankton Recorders in the Gulf of Alaska. (1:53) Video Transcript Plankton are considered one of the environmental drivers, so they’re the link between what happens in the ocean – in terms of water chemistry, temperature, the water conditions – and the fish, because plankton respond to their environment really quickly, and fish feed on plankton and larger organisms feed on fish, so the plankton are the link between the oceanography and the fish. We know that plankton respond really quickly because they have life cycles that are really short, sometimes even days, but all of them less than a year or at least a year is the longest life cycle. So if changes happen in their environment they respond quite quickly, and you can see that in changes in their numbers, and the types of plankton and where they’re at. So by monitoring them it gives you a really rapid response to a change in the environment. In the early part of the twentieth century in the UK, it was kind of hard to know where to send the fishing boats, you know, where they were going to find the herring, and Alister Hardy invented this instrument that could be towed behind ships, measuring the plankton, and it’s called the continuous plankton recorder. Continuous because, rather than taking a sample as a snapshot across, it continuously samples the plankton as it goes. His idea was that if you could understand the food of the herring, the food of the fish, maybe you could predict where they were going to be and then send the fishing boats there. You would build a map, a bit like a weather map, of where plankton were and when they were, and then you could send the fishers. So that was his idea, back in the early part of the early part of the twentieth century. And it took a few years to get routine, but from the 1930s onwards they were using this instrument to do that – to build up a picture of plankton meteorology, basically.         Who is watching the Gulf?   Biological (adj): pertaining to the science of life or living matter   CTD (n): acronym for Conductivity, Temperature, Depth. An oceanography instrument that records the salinity (conductivity) & temperature at a prescribed depth of seawater   Consumer (n): a living thing that eats other living things to survive. It cannot make its own food.   Buoy (n): a fixed-in-place, floating device that can serve many purposes in the sea. The GAK1 Data Buoy is fitted with many different oceanographic instruments.   Physical (adj): pertaining to the properties of matter and energy other than those distinctly related to living matter   Phytoplankton (n): freely floating, often minute plants that drift with water currents   Plankton (n): organisms that swim weakly, or not at all, and drift with water currents   Primary producer (n): an organism that makes its own food from light energy or chemical energy   Salinity (n): the saltiness of a body of water   Zooplankton (n): freely floating animals that drift with water currents  
$(document).ready(function() { var obj = document.createElement("audio"); obj.src="/uploads/vft/gulf_watch/audio/fetcheduphardaground.mp3"; obj.volume=0.10; obj.autoPlay=false; obj.preLoad=true; $(".playSound").click(function() {; }); });     animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         On March 24, 1989, an oil tanker leaving the port of Valdez, Alaska hit a shallow reef and spilled 11 million gallons of oil into the sea. This spill spread southwest, covering nearly 1,300 miles of coastline in thick, sticky oil. Oil was even found washed up near the village of Chignik, 470 miles away from the spill site. It is estimated that 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, up to 22 orcas, and billions of salmon and herring eggs were lost in the spill. It is difficult to know how many intertidal plants and animals, such as barnacles, sea stars, and hermit crabs, were also impacted. The Gulf of Alaska is part of the North Pacific Ocean. It stretches from the Alaska Peninsula in the west to the islands of Alaska’s southeast. The coast includes mountains, glaciers, forests, towns, and cities. The waters are full of life and support one of the country’s largest fishing industries. Powerful currents circulate marine life and bring up nutrients from deep waters. Seabirds and marine mammals feed in the many bays and estuaries of the gulf. These areas also provide nursery habitats for fish. So many factors influence the Gulf of Alaska! The major factors include: Precipitation in the form of snow and rain Freshwater runoff from rivers, glaciers, and melting snow The upwelling & downwelling of water carrying nutrients that get mixed by the tides and currents Click the image below for a closer look at some of these factors. Be sure to use the vocabulary list at the right if you run into any terms you are not familiar with! Thousands of workers, volunteers, and community members worked together to clean up the spill. However, oil still remains hidden below the sand and rocks on the beaches and scientists want to know what this means for the Gulf of Alaska ecosystem. Since 1989, scientists have continued to study how the Gulf of Alaska's ecosystem is responding to the Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS). All of Earth’s ecosystems are affected by both natural changes and human activities. After the 1989 spill, scientists realized something important. We did not have enough data to fully understand how complex the northern Gulf of Alaska ecosystem really is. We were lacking what researchers call “baseline” data. A baseline is a measure of how things are (or were) at a particular time. Without baseline data, it is hard to understand how ecosystems respond to changes in environmental conditions, which can occur naturally or as a result of human activities. Think of a baseline like this: If you measure your heartbeat when you are resting, it’s beating regularly and probably pretty slowly. This is your baseline to measure from. If you suddenly run up a long flight of steps, your heart starts beating much faster and you are probably out of breath. If you count your heartbeat now, you can measure how much it changed from the baseline. That change is the impact caused by running up the steps. For example, in the Gulf of Alaska it is difficult to know exactly how the 1989 oil spill changed sea otter population numbers. This is hard to measure because baseline data for the number of sea otters living there before the spill doesn't exist. In order to improve our understanding of baselines and change for the entire Gulf of Alaska ecosystem, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council created and continues to fund the work of the Gulf Watch Alaska long-term monitoring program. Gulf Watch Alaska is a team of scientists and researchers who work together to measure and monitor different parts of the ecosystem in the spill area. They compare their data to get a “bigger picture” about how the ecosystem works and how healthy it is. VIDEO: Introduction to Gulf Watch Alaska Introduction to the Gulf Watch Alaska ecosystem monitoring program. (1:14) Video Transcript On March 24, 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Alaska’s Prince William Sound, spilling more than 10 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Alaska. Today, more than 26 years after the accident, scientists are still trying to understand the full impacts of the spill on the waters and wildlife of the Gulf. To that end, Gulf Watch Alaska has brought together twelve different organizations and over 40 scientists to study all aspects of the Gulf of Alaska and its state of recovery from the spill. Monitoring the lasting effects of the oil spill is no small task. Like a large puzzle, the Gulf of Alaska is a complex system made up of ever smaller components. The four main components being studied by Gulf Watch Alaska are the driving environmental forces of the Gulf, the pelagic ecosystem of its waters, the nearshore ecosystems of its coast, and the lingering oil that still remains from the Exxon Valdez spill. By closely monitoring these components simultaneously, the scientists of Gulf Watch Alaska hope to better understand the whole picture of the Gulf of Alaska and its continuing recovery from the spill.   The Gulf Watch Alaska monitoring program is organized into four related ecosystem monitoring components. Click below to discover each component.       Who is watching the Gulf?   Baseline data (n): a measure of normal or how things usually are before change   Carbon pump (n): the ocean's biologically-driven transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to the deep sea   Detritus (n): waste or debris of any kind, but especially organic matter produced by the decomposition of organisms   Downwelling/Upwelling (n): the downward (or upward) movement of fluid, especially in the sea   Ecosystem (n): a community of living things and its nonliving surroundings linked together by energy and nutrient exchange   Eddy (n): a circular movement of water counter to a main current   Estuary (n): where the salty ocean tide meets freshwater from the land at the mouth of a river, stream, creek, or the toe of a glacier   EVOS (n): Exxon Valdez oil spill   Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council (n): organization formed after EVOS to oversee the restoration of the injured ecosystem   Habitat (n): a place that provides an animal or plant with adequate food, water, shelter, and living space to feed, breed, seek shelter, and raise young   Impact (n): a powerful or major influence or effect   Lunar forcing (n): the effect that the gravitational pull of the moon has upon the oceans, creating the tide cycles   Monitor (v): to observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review   Photic boundary (n): the depth of the ocean that indicates the division between the photic (or sunlight) zone and the aphotic zone where photosynthesis becomes impossible  
  animatedcollapse.addDiv('A', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() animatedcollapse.addDiv('B', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init()         Thousands of individual animals died as a result the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Some died soon after contact with the oil. Others died more slowly as a result of the toxins. It is difficult to measure how animal populations continue to be affected by contact with oil after the cleanup. The long-term harm from chronic exposure to the chemicals in oil remains a problem in some areas, especially where oil can still be found under rocks. Since 1990, scientists have been gathering data about locations where oil continues to linger, as well as the movement of toxic chemicals throughout the Prince William Sound ecosystem. The Lingering Oil project is studying the recovery of harlequin duck and northern sea otter populations in Prince William Sound because there are long-term health concerns for both of these populations. The Gulf Watch Alaska team is collecting data by taking samples in both oiled and non-oiled sites in Prince William Sound. Click on the images below to learn more about these two species. Scientists use a variety of skills to capture ducks and otters in order to collect tissue samples. These methods are designed to safely capture the animals and then release them unharmed. According to Dr. Esler, “It might not be the greatest day for the animals, [but] their long-term survival is not compromised.” To capture harlequin ducks, the team uses a floating mist net. This net sits above the water like an invisible wall. As the ducks come in for a landing, they are trapped in the net. Researchers can then safely remove the ducks and take them to the veterinarian for sampling. Capturing sea otters is a bit more challenging. These cute and fuzzy creatures are, in fact, the largest member of the weasel family (the Mustelids). This is a group of animals who are not known for their sweet and cuddly personalities. Think of a sea otter as a floating badger or wolverine! Watch the video below to see divers use a Wilson Trap to safely capture and handle sea otters for sampling. VIDEO: Capturing Sea Otters United States Geological Survey (USGS) video showing how divers use Wilson traps to capture sea otters in the wild. (3:53) Video Transcript (This video contains music and some ambient sounds but no dialogue.) Watch the video below to learn more about the scientists' field work as they monitor the effects of lingering oil in Prince William Sound. VIDEO: Lingering Oil Dan Esler describes how scientists are studying the effects of lingering oil on harlequin ducks and sea otters. (1:48) Video Transcript The lingering oil studies occur in western Prince William Sound, which is where the oil from the Exxon Valdez oil spill landed, and actually there’s still some oil out there today – small pockets of oil that’s buried in sediments on beaches, throughout western Prince William Sound. So that’s where the lingering oil issues are still important to track. From the USGS perspective, we’re looking at effects of that lingering oil on wildlife. So considering effects of exposure to that lingering oil, and also to understand what that might mean to individuals and populations of the wildlife that live out there. The main species that we’re thinking about in terms of lingering oil are harlequin ducks and sea otters, and that’s because there’s a long history of understanding that lingering oil’s been an important constraint on population recovery of those two species, and so we’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand the timeline and the mechanisms by which those species are recovering from the oil spill. We’ve measured exposure in a number of different ways. For example, with harlequin ducks we’ve used an enzyme called cytochrome P450 1A. It’s a long word basically for an enzyme that gets induced when any vertebrate’s exposed to hydrocarbons. So if you and I were exposed to oil, we would have an induction of that enzyme that would be measurable and then could tell us whether one has been exposed to that. The enzyme itself is part of a cascade of physiological processes that any vertebrate goes through once they’ve been exposed to oil. And it could be indicative of physiological harm, or it could be indicative of just exposure without physiological harm. So we’re not inferring harm from induction of the enzyme, what we’re inferring is that they’re still exposed to oil with the potential for harm.         Who is watching the Gulf?   Concentration (n): the amount of something in a specific place or given volume   Recovery (n): a return to a normal state of health   Tissue sampling (n): various procedures to obtain bodily fluids, muscle, skin, fur or feathers for testing